
Wednesday, April 14, 2021

#ourtaquito--Winnie the warrior

 Weekly ultrasound update--

I had my weekly ultrasound done on Monday. Fluid levels are still normal but my doppler levels were elevated. If you are like us then you have no idea what this means. The umbilical artery doppler measures the amount of resistance in the placenta by comparing how much flow occurs during contraction and relaxation of my circulation. What this means for me--- right now it is okay but they will compare it to numbers I get next week. If my levels keep rising I might have to deliver earlier than expected. Praying my levels don't rise, I want to keep baby girl safe in my belly as long as I can and give her a chance to keep growing.

Our Winnie girl is the wiggle Queen, especially during ultrasounds but this time she sat still for a little bit so we could get some pictures!

We think she has Cory's lips..We've got a mini Cory 💕

Much Love,

A, C, & W

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