
Sunday, April 25, 2021

#ourtaquito-- Winnie the warrior

 Hi All,

I had my weekly ultrasound for them to check my doppler and fluid levels. My doppler levels are still a little elevated but we are still planning to induce in May. We have scheduled our date to be induced as long as my levels do not rise any higher, we will stick to the plan. We will be going in the night of May 10th to start the inducing process and deliver on the 11th. I will be about 38 weeks when Winnie makes her arrival. We also had a followup meeting with our medical team to create a birth plan so everyone who works with us is on the same page. Our team is very supportive and helpful in helping us feel as prepared as we can for delivery. 

We have a mix of emotions as we near our delivery date. At the start of this we did not think we would even make it this far. It goes to show how much of a fighter our girl is. Though we do not know what the future holds, we cannot not wait to meet our Winnie. We are so grateful for all the love and support we have received from family and friends, words can never describe how much it means to us.

I will continue to get weekly ultrasounds until the week of May 10th, which will be here before we know it!

Much love,

A, C, & W

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