
Sunday, May 26, 2019

I'm going through changes...

Another song lyric for the title? really?? YASS, Eminem just has a way with words.. a lot of changes happening here in the Racusen household! We moved into a cozy 1,000 sq. ft. two level apartment in the beginning of May. So we've been busy over here trying to get settled and make this new place our home. We are so lucky to have family that lives close and willing to help us move because we got everything moved into the new place in one day! Phew I get tired  all over again just thinking about it.

We moved that couch a full 360 degrees to see the best way it would look in our new space. We ended up keeping it the first way we had it haha 👏

 We ended our move weekend celebrating Cinco de Mayo with my family. It was the best way to end the weekend; eating tacos and drinking margs. We also played loteria which is the Mexican version of bingo and a way we all practiced our lack there of spanish speaking skills. The weather was beautiful and we were able to relax outside while playing my cinco de mayo playlist. If your dying to know what was on my playlist, you can find it here..

There will be more changes to share in future blog posts but I'll end with the fact that this past week I officially changed my last name! (only took me a year :) )

Cheers to a three day weekend!!🍻 I hope you all have a wonderful relaxing weekend, you deserve it!




  1. Eee! Love seeing all these changes! Can't wait to see the place in person! And how did I not realize you hadn't changed your name yet?!

    1. I cat wait for you to see it!! haha probably because I said I was going by Racusen but never legally changed it!
